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Part-Time/Remote MS Overview

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Pursue a Stanford University Master of Science degree on a part-time basis or remotely.

Students in the Honors Cooperative Program (HCP), may pursue the MS in Management Science and Engineering on a part-time basis, either on campus or remotely, or full-time remotely. These part-time and remote options are offered in partnership with the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD).

Some MS&E courses are offered only on campus; HCP students may attend those courses at Stanford to meet the degree requirements. It is possible to complete this program as a remote HCP student via online learning, although the hybrid course offerings are limited.  Search hybrid courses

Students have flexibility to move back and forth between the full-time and part-time, and on-campus and remote options.


As an HCP student, you will be a fully matriculated graduate student of Stanford University, with the same privileges, rights and responsibilities as a full-time residential student.

Come to campus at any time to attend class, meet with instructors and classmates, and use Stanford libraries.

While preparing your application, you may enroll in courses for credit via the Non-Degree Option (NDO) program. Up to 18 graduate credit units earned as an NDO student while taking individual courses or earning a graduate certificate may be applied toward your degree program.

Access course videos and complete all financial transactions for tuition and related fees through your mystanfordconnection account.


Gain admission as a degree candidate to Management Science and Engineering through the standard graduate admissions process.

HCP students receive the same degree as full-time, on-campus students, and take the same courses, so the admission criteria are the same. This policy also allows students the ability to transfer from the HCP program to full-time and vice-versa, as needed.

Be sure to include your Stanford transcript in your application so we can see your NDO courses completed and grades.

Degree requirements

The course requirements are the same regardless of whether a student is full-time or part-time, local or remote. Refer to MS degree requirements.

The timeline is longer for part-time students, who complete 45 quarter units of master's degree study in 5 years or less.

Hybrid MS&E courses are offered online via the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD).

(Access courses videos through your my stanfordconnection account)