The undergraduate curriculum in Management Science and Engineering prepares students to create solutions to pressing societal problems by integrating and pushing the frontiers of operations research, economics, and organization science. Students complete courses in calculus, computer science, economics, entrepreneurship, ethics, linear algebra, organizational theory, mathematical modeling, optimization, policy, probability, statistics, and strategy, and systems engineering.
Coterminal BA/BS & MS
After completing 120 units toward a Stanford bachelor's degree, undergraduates may apply to add a master degree to their bachelor degree, working on the two degrees concurrently. The degrees may be conferred at the same time, or the master degree may be conferred after the bachelor degree.
Learning outcomes
An MS&E major prepares students for career paths in investment banking, management consulting, and product or project management; or for graduate studies in operations research, business, economics, computer science, law, medicine, or public policy.