2017 REU Presentations
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Six MS&E undergraduates participated in the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program from June to August 2017.
The REU program is designed to give undergraduates an opportunity to work on cutting-edge research guided by Stanford faculty. Professors were excited to work with bright, enthusiastic undergraduates this summer!
During the last week of the summer program, students presented their final projects to invited guests of the MS&E community. Many faculty and students attended.
Showcase of 2017 presentations
Presenter | Title | Advising Faculty |
Richard Diehl | "Stanford Participatory Budgeting" | Professor Ashish Goel and PhD Students Nikhil Garg, Anilesh Krishnaswamy, and Sukolsak Sakshuwong |
Sofia Jimenez | "The Future of Online Education" and "Honor Code Faculty and Student Survey Results" | Professor Ross Shachter |
Cindy Lu | "Understanding the evolution of co-creation behaviors using Egocentric Relational Event Modeling (REM)" | Professor Pamela Hinds and PhD Students Heather Altman and Ryan Lusvardi |
Elizabeth Reichert | "Payments Disrupted" | Professor Kay Giesecke |
Feddi Roth | "Venture Capitalist Funding of Dual-Use Technologies" | Professor Riitta Katila and PhD Student Jason Rathje |
Sam Wharton | "Understanding Limitations in Community Innovation" | Professor Kathy Eisenhardt and PhD Student Rob Bremner |